24 M Consortium meeting

24 M Consortium meeting

The 24 M technical meeting of AMROCE was held on 12th of September 2023 at Trondheim, Norway. All the partners presented the work performed for the last six months and discuss on important issues for fulfill successfully the project objectives

Mid-term report evaluation meeting


UPC as a coordinator of AMROCE project attended the mid-term evaluation meeting in
Alcalá de Henares (Spain) at 30 th of May, 2023. All project coordinators from the
funded within the JPIAMR Oceans program participated in the event.


Workshop “Marine-derived bio-actives and their nanoformulation into high-added value products” was organized by SINTEF on September 13th, 2023 (https://www.sintef.no/en/events/archive/2023/marine-derived-bio-actives-and-their-nanoformulation-into-high-added-value-products/) in order to engage academia (universities and research centres) and companies from different fields (cosmetic, filtration systems).

AMROCE Project 18 M Consortium meeting

AMROCE Project 18 M Consortium meeting

18 M technical meeting of AMROCE was held on 4th of May 2023, on-line. All the partners actively participated in the meeting, ensuring a fruitful exchange of ideas and work progress updates.